Solny Adalsteinsson

Solny Adalsteinsson

Principal Investigator and Staff Scientist, Tyson Research Center, Washington University in Saint Louis

Primary subject of interest: Urban ecology, disease ecology, ticks, birds, small mammals

Primary geographic interest: Midwest and mid-Atlantic US

Julian Aguirre-Santoro

Julian Aguirre-Santoro

Curator of Vascular Plants, Latin America

Matthew A. Albrecht

Matthew A. Albrecht

Associate Scientist in Conservation Biology, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Plant conservation, threatened plants and communities

Primary geographic interest: Ozarks and Southeastern US

Robert Aldridge

Robert Aldridge

Professor Emeritus of Biology, Saint Louis University; Researcher, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: Herpetology, conservation

Primary geographic area of interest: Guam, Mexico

Garland Allen

Garland Allen

Professor of Biology, Washington University in Saint Louis

Primary subject of interest:  History of biology: evolutionary theory, development and genetics, naturalist-experimentalist debates 1880-1950

Whitney Anthonysamy

Whitney Anthonysamy

Assistant Professor of Biology, Saint Louis College of Pharmacy

Primary subject of interest: Population ecology and conservation, herpetology

Primary geographic area of interest: Saint Louis

Kathleen Apakupakul

Kathleen Apakupakul

Research Assistant, Institute for Conservation Medicine, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: Conservation medicine, one health

Primary geographic interest: Global

Wendy Applequist

Wendy Applequist

Associate Curator, William L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Plant taxonomy, medicinal plants, natural product discovery

Primary geographic interest: United States, Madagascar

Kaylee Arnold

Kaylee Arnold

Kaylee Arnold is a disease ecologist who studies how anthropogenic disturbances impact host-associated microbial communities and infectious disease transmission. Her research has previously explored the relationships between the gut microbiomes of insect disease vectors, deforestation, and vector-borne disease transmission risk. As a Living Earth Collaborative Biodiversity Postdoctoral Fellow, Kaylee will be working with Drs. Rachel Penczykowski (WUSTL), Danielle Lee (SIUE), and Solny Adalsteinsson (Tyson Research Center) to explore plant microbiomes and fungal pathogen transmission across an urbanization gradient and to develop STEM projects with K-12 public schools in St. Louis. Please visit Kaylee’s website: and Twitter: @Black_Ecologist to learn more about her research and outreach.

James Aronson

James Aronson

Senior Scientist, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Science, practice, and policy of ecological restoration and rehabilitation

Primary geographic interest: Local, regional, national, global

Cheryl Asa

Cheryl Asa

Affiliate Scientist, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: Reproductive and behavioral sciences

Primary geographic area of interest: Latin America; continuing work in Mexico

John J. Atwood

John J. Atwood

Curatorial Assistant, Bryophyte Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Bryology

Matthew Austin

Matthew Austin

Curator of Biodiversity Data, Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: I am a biodiversity scientist who studies how plants and pollinators are impacted by global change. In my position at the Missouri Botanical Garden, I oversee digitization of the Garden's herbarium and perform research utilizing digital data.

Patricia Barberá-Sanchez

Patricia Barberá-Sanchez

Assistant Scientist, Africa and Madagascar Department, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject(s) of interest: Taxonomy and systematics of African plants

Primary geographic area of interest:  Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe, Madagascar

Eli Baskir

Eli Baskir

Behavior Research Associate, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: Animal behavior

Primary geographic interest: Global

Burgund Bassuner

Burgund Bassuner

Science Specialist, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Population genetics and plant conservation

Primary geographic area of interest: United States

Karen Bauman

Karen Bauman

Laboratory Manager, Research Department, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: All species, especially canids and ungulates; reproduction, wildlife technologies

Primary geographic interest: Ex situ, North America, global

Yehuda Ben-Shahar

Yehuda Ben-Shahar

Assistant Professor of Biology, Washington University in Saint Louis

Primary subject of interest: Evolutionary, molecular and population genetics of insect behavior; The genetics of phenotypic tradeoffs.

Primary geographic interest: Global

John  R. Bermingham Jr.

John R. Bermingham Jr.

Associate Professor of Genetics, Center for Genome Sciences and Systems Biology, Washington University School of Medicine

Primary subject of interest: Conservation genetics, herpetology

Primary geographic interest: Global


Peter Bernhardt

Peter Bernhardt

Professor of Biology, Saint Louis University

Primary subject of interest: Pollination, Anthophilous insects (bees, beetles, syrphid flies, butterflies and moths), flowering plant groups (orchids and other petaloid monocots), montane wildflowers of the Himalayas, Proteaceae of Australia, redbuds and dogwoods of Missouri

Primary geographic area of interest: American Midwest, Eastern Australia, Yunnan China

Steve Bircher

Steve Bircher

Curator of Mammals/Carnivores, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: Carnivore conservation (cheetah, lion, African painted dogs)

Primary geographic interest: Africa

Chris Birkinshaw

Chris Birkinshaw

Assistant Curator, Africa and Madagascar, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Management of protected areas (including sustainable use of natural resources, forest restoration, monitoring, control of invasive plant species) and ex-situ plant conservation (including field gene-banks)

Primary geographic interest: Madagascar

Venus Bivar

Venus Bivar

Assistant Professor of History, Washington University in Saint Louis

Stephen Blake

Stephen Blake

Assistant Professor of Biology, Saint Louis University

Primary subject of interest: Ecology and conservation of mega vertebrates

Primary geographic interest: Congo Basin, Galapagos Islands, Missouri

David Bogler

David Bogler

Missouri Botanical Garden

Adrianus Boon

Adrianus Boon

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine

Primary subject of interest: Virology and virus ecology

Primary geographic interest: USA

Arpita Bose

Arpita Bose

Associate Professor of Biology / Earth & Planetary Sciences

Primary subject of interest:  Microbial Ecology, Climate Change, Climate Action

Primary geographic interest:  United States, Puerto Rico, Argentina, India

Emily Bowling

Emily Bowling

Conservation Educator, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: Palm oil sustainability, public education

Primary geographic interest: Tropical rainforests, local conservation

Louise Bradshaw

Louise Bradshaw

Director of Education, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: Climate change education, enhancing biodiversity, community-based conservation engagement, nature-based education

Primary geographic interest: Saint Louis region

Stanton Braude

Stanton Braude

Teaching Professor of Biology, Washington University in Saint Louis

Primary subject of interest: Inbreeding, Naked mole-rats, social evolution

Primary geographic interest: East Africa

John Brinda

John Brinda

Assistant Scientist, Research, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Ecology, taxonomy, and conservation of bryophytes

Primary geographic area of interest: USA, Madagascar

Andrew Brown

Andrew Brown

Professor of Spanish, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures

Gerardo Camilo

Gerardo Camilo

Associate Professor of Biology, Saint Louis University

Primary subject of interest: Bee/pollinator diversity, urban ecology, Polylepis conservation

Primary geographic area of interest: Global, Andes

Mónica Carlsen

Mónica Carlsen

Assistant Scientist - Education Coordinator, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Plant diversity and evolution

Primary geographic interest: Neotropics (Mexico and Brazil)

Bruce Carlson

Bruce Carlson

Associate Professor of Biology, Washington University in Saint Louis

Primary subject of interest: Sensory and evolutionary neuroscience in electric fish

Primary geographic interest: Sub-Saharan Africa

Bob Coulter

Bob Coulter

Director, Litzsinger Road Ecology Center, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Youth civic engagement and place-based education

Primary geographic interest: Global

Thomas Croat

Thomas Croat

PA Schulze Curator of Botany and Researcher, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Taxonomy and ecology of Neotropical Araceae

Primary geographic interest: Neotropics

Gautam Dantas

Gautam Dantas

Professor in Departments of Pathology and Immunology, Biomedical Engineering, and Molecular Microbiology, Washington University in Saint Louis

Primary subject of interest: (1) Understanding how diverse microbiomes respond to chemical and biological perturbations, (2) harnessing these insights to rationally design therapeutic strategies to curtail antibiotic-resistant pathogens and remedy pathological microbiome states, and (3) engineering microbial catalysts to convert renewable biomass into value chemicals such as biofuels and pharmaceuticals.

Primary geographic region of interest: United States, El Salvador, Peru, Pakistan, Niger, South Africa, Republic of Congo, Laos, Netherlands, China, India

Michael Dawson

Michael Dawson

Conservation Education Liaison, Education Department, Saint Louis Zoo

Sharon Deem

Sharon Deem

Director, Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine

Primary subject of interest: One health, conservation medicine

Primary geographic interest: Global with current emphasis areas in Africa, South America, and North America

Anthony Dell

Anthony Dell

Research Scientist, NGRREC; Affiliated Faculty, Biology, Saint Louis University; Visiting Scholar, Biology, Washington University in Saint Louis

Primary subject of interest: Community ecology, temperature, metabolic scaling, behavior

Primary geographic range of interest: Global, with current work in Saint Louis, Nebraska, Tahiti, Iceland, and Australia

Karen DeMatteo

Karen DeMatteo

Lecturer of Environmental Studies, Washington University in Saint Louis; Researcher, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: Ecology, conservation, and management of predator-prey species using noninvasive techniques

Primary geographic interest: Global (special interest in tropics and temperate)

Aimee Dunlap

Aimee Dunlap

University of Missouri- Saint Louis

Retha Edens-Meier

Retha Edens-Meier

Saint Louis University

Ashley Edes

Ashley Edes

Animal Welfare Scientist, Department of Reproductive and Behavioral Sciences, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest:  Animal welfare, primatology, stress, behavior, endocrinology

Christine Edwards

Christine Edwards

Stephen and Camilla Brauer Conservation Geneticist, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Conservation genetics, molecular systematics, phylogeography, DNA metabarcoding, quantitative genetics, understanding response of plants to environmental stress (focusing mainly on plants of conservation concern)

Primary geographic interest: Americas and islands of the western Indian Ocean (Madagascar and the Mascarenes)

Justin Elden

Justin Elden

Curator/Herpetology & Aquatics

Primary subject of interest:  Herpetology, Cave Biology

Primary geographic interest:  Via the Saint Louis Zoo(Missouri, Armenia, Ecuador) and externally (Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ukraine, Puerto Rico)

Kate Farley

Kate Farley

Assistant Scientist, William L. Brown Center

Primary subject of interest:  Ethnobotany, traditional ecological knowledge, community-based conservation, North American biodiversity, invasive species

Primary geographic interest:  United States

Eric Feltz

Eric Feltz

Missouri Botanical Garden

David Fike

David Fike

Associate Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Director of Department of Environmental Studies, Washington University in Saint Louis

Primary subject of interest: Biogeochemical cycling in modern/ancient marine sediments and soils

Primary geographic interest: Global--currently: Australia, Canada, France, French Guiana, Estonia, Lithuania, Italy, New Zealand, Namibia, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Scotland, Sweden, US