Postdoctoral Fellow
Years: 2021-current
Mentor(s): Jonathan Losos (WashU)
Research Focus: Examine the influence of urbanization on the evolution of eastern gray squirrel in St. Louis
Publications related to postdoctoral work
Caizergues, A.E., Santangelo, J.S., Ness, R.W., Angeoletto, F., Anstett, D.N., Anstett, J., Baena-Diaz, F., Carlen, E.J., Chaves, J.A., Comerford, M.S., Dyson, K., Falahati-Anbaran, M., Fellowes, M.D.E., Hood, G.R., Iñiguez-Armijos, C., Kooyers, N.J., Hodgins, K.A., Lázaro-Lobo, A., Moles, A., Munshi-South, J., Paule, J., Porth, I.M. , Santiago-Rosario, L.Y., Stack Whitney, K., Tack, A., Johnson, M.T.J. (2024). Does urbanization lead to parallel demographic shifts across the world in a cosmopolitan plant? Molecular Ecology. 33(7):e17311 doi:10.1111/mec.17311
Carlen, E. & Estien, C. & Caspi, T. & Perkins, D. & Goldstein, B. & Kreling, S. & Hentati, Y. & Williams, T. & Stanton, L. & Des Roches, S. & Johnson, R. & Young, A. & Cooper, C. & Schell, C. (2024). A framework for contextualizing social‐ecological biases in contributory science data. People and Nature. 6. 377-390. doi:10.1002/pan3.10592.
Dunn, R.R., Burger, J.R., Carlen, E.J., Koltz, A.M., Light, J.E., Martin, R.A., Munshi-South, J., Nichols, L.M., Vargo, E.L., Yitbarek, S., Zhao, Y., & Cibrian-Jaramillo, A. (2022). Urban archipelagos: a theory of city biogeography and the origin of urban species. Frontiers in Conservation Science. doi:10.3389/fcosc.2022.761449
*Estien, C.O., *Carlen, E.J., & Schell, C.J. (2024). Multi-city case studies across the United States reveal the influence of city history and societal inequity on participatory science data. Ecology and Society. 29(3):16. doi:10.5751/ES-15263-290316 [*Co-first authors]
Fusco, N.A., Cosentino, B.J., Gibbs, J.P., Allen, M.L., Blumenfeld, A.J., Boettner, G.H., Carlen, E.J., Collins, M., Dennison, C., DiGiacopo, D. and Drapeau Picard, A.P., (2024). Population genomic structure of a widespread, urban‐dwelling mammal: The eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). Molecular Ecology. doi:10.1111/mec.17230
Johnson, M.T.J., Arif, I., Marchetti, F., Munshi-South, J., Ness, R.W., Szulkin, M., Verrelli, B.C., Yauk, C.L., Anstett, D.N., Booth, W., Caizergues, A.E., Carlen, E.J., Dant, A., González, J., González Lagos, C., Oman, M., Phifer-Rixey, M., Rennison, D., Rosenberg, M.S., Winchell, K.M. (2024). Effects of urban-induced mutations on ecology, evolution and health. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 1-13. doi:10.1038/s41559-024-02401-z
Kreling S.E.S., Vance, S.E., Carlen, E.J. (2024). Adaptation in the Alleyways: Candidate genes under potential selection in urban coyotes. Genome Biology and Evolution. doi:10.1093/gbe/evae279
Santangelo, J.S., Ness, R.W., Cohan, B., Fitzpatrick, C.R., Innes, S.G., Koch, S., Miles, L.S., Munim, S., Peres-Neto, P.R., Prashad, C., Tong, A.T., [et al., including Carlen, E.J.]. (2022). Global urbanization drives parallel environmental and evolutionary change. Science. doi:10.1126/science.abk0989
Savage, A., Willmott, M., Moreno, P., Li, D., Malesis A., Jagiełło, Z., Miles, L.S., Kuzyo, H. Román Palacios, C., Salazar, D., Verrelli, B., Winchell, K.M., Alberti, M., Carlen, E.J., Falvey, C., Johnson, L., Martin, E., Marzluff, J., Munshi-South, J., Phifer-Rixey, M., Stadnicki, I., Szulkin, M., Bonilla-Bedoya, S., Zhou, Y., Gotanda, K. (2024). Online toolkits for collaborative and inclusive global research in urban evolutionary ecology. Ecology and Evolution. 14(6): e11633. doi:10.1002/ece3.11633
*Williams, T.D., *Kreling, S.E.S., Stanton, L.A. Wilkinson, C.E., Estien, C.O., Schell, C.J., Carlen, E.J. (2024). Of Rarity and Symbolism: Understanding Human Perceptions of Charismatic Color Morphs. Human Ecology. doi:10.1007/s10745-024-00492-7 [*Co-first authors]
Winchell, K., Aviles-Rodriguez, K., Carlen, E.J., Miles, L., Charmantier, A., De León, L., Gotanda, K., Rivkin, L.R., Szulkin, M. and Verrelli, B.. (2022) Moving past the challenges and misconceptions in urban adaptation research. Ecology & Evolution. doi:10.1002/ece3.9552
Carlen, E., & Williams, T. (2024). Animals that are all black or all white have reputations based on superstition − biases that have real effects. The Conversation.