Gautam Dantas
Conan Professor in Laboratory and Genomic Medicine, WashU School of Medicine
- Email: dantas@wustl.edu
Primary subject(s) of interest: (1) Understanding how diverse microbiomes respond to chemical and biological perturbations, (2) harnessing these insights to rationally design therapeutic strategies to curtail antibiotic-resistant pathogens and remedy pathological microbiome states, and (3) engineering microbial catalysts to convert renewable biomass into value chemicals such as biofuels and pharmaceuticals.
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: United States, El Salvador, Peru, Pakistan, Niger, South Africa, Republic of Congo, Netherlands, China, India
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Freshwater, Agricultural lands, Urban areas, Built environment

Michael Dawson
Conservation Education Liaison, Education Department, Saint Louis Zoo
- Email: dawson@stlzoo.org
Primary subject of interest: Urban Amphibian Conservation, Anuran Conservation, Bioacoustics
Primary geographic interest: United States, Missouri – Saint Louis
LEC Seed Grant Projects

Sharon Deem
Director, Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine
- Email: deem@stlzoo.org
Primary subject(s) of interest: One health, conservation medicine
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Global with current emphasis areas in USA, Ecuador, Brazil, Kenya, Madagascar
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Savanna, Grassland, Freshwater, Marine, Agricultural land, Urban areas, Zoos
LEC Seed Grant Projects
- Ecological Niche Modeling to Examine the Interactions Between Climate-related Environmental Change, Food Security, Landscape Diversity and an Emerging Infectious Disease
- Expanding the Toolset for Chelonian Conservation: Understanding the Diversity, Distribution and Dynamics of Box Turtle Microbiomes
- Quantifying Effects of Parasites on Ecosystem Nutrient Cycling
- Reducing Human-Wildlife Conflict in East Africa Using Participatory Action Research
- Using iDNA to Increase the Protected Status of the Djeke Triangle and Enhance Disease Surveillance in the Congo Basin
- Going Wild in Forest Park: Tracking the Movement of Wildlife and Disease in an Urban Food Web

Anthony Dell
Research Scientist, National Great Rivers; Affiliated Faculty, Biology, Saint Louis University; Visiting Scholar, Biology, WashU
- Email: tonyidell@gmail.com
Primary subject of interest: Community ecology, temperature, metabolic scaling, behavior
Primary geographic range of interest: Global, with current work in Saint Louis, Nebraska, Tahiti, Iceland, and Australia
LEC Seed Grant Projects

Karen DeMatteo
Research Affiliate, WildCare Institute at the Saint Louis Zoo / Academic Advisor, Biology Department, WashU / Conservation Detection Dog Handler/Trainer, A K9 Nose Knows
- Email: KarenDeMatteo@outlook.com
Primary subject(s) of interest: Ecology, conservation, and management of predator-prey species using noninvasive techniques
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: United States (South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina, Nebraska, and San Francisco), South America (Argentina), & Asia (Bhutan)
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Shrubland, Grassland, Agricultural land, Urban areas, Monocultural plantations & fragmented ecosystems

Michael Diamond
The Herbert S. Gasser Professor Departments of Medicine, Molecular Microbiology, Pathology & Immunology, WashU School of Medicine
- Email: diamond@wusm.wustl.edu
Primary subject(s) of interest: Virus-host interactions; Mosquito-transmitted arboviruses
Primary geographic area of interest: USA

Aimee Dunlap
Associate Professor, Biology Department, University of Missouri-Saint Louis
- Email: aimee.dunlap@umsl.edu
Primary subject(s) of interest: Cognitive, behavioral, and urban ecology, mechanisms of decision making, pollination and foraging in bees and flies
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Shrubland, Grassland, Agricultural land, Urban areas, Zoos

Ashley Edes
Animal Welfare Scientist, Department of Reproductive and Behavioral Sciences, Saint Louis Zoo
- Email: aedes@stlzoo.org
Primary subject(s) of interest: Animal welfare, stress, behavior, endocrinology, physiology, biomarkers, animal wellbeing, visitor effects, primatology, allostatic load
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Zoos

Christine Edwards
Stephen and Camilla Brauer Conservation Geneticist, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden
- Email: Christine.Edwards@mobot.org
Primary subject of interest: Conservation genetics, molecular systematics, phylogeography, DNA metabarcoding, quantitative genetics, understanding response of plants to environmental stress (focusing mainly on plants of conservation concern)
Primary geographic interest: Americas and islands of the western Indian Ocean (Madagascar and the Mascarenes)
LEC Seed Grant Projects
- Biodiversity of Freshwater Mussels of the Upper Sangamon River (Illinois): Community Science in Action
- Integrating Stable Isotopes and DNA Metabarcoding of Cave Guano to Develop a Unique Paleoenvironmental Archive for the Humid Tropics
- The Search for Critically Endangered Possibly Extinct Ecuadorean Frogs using eDNA

Justin Elden
Curator of Herpetology & Aquatics, Saint Louis Zoo
- Email: elden@stlzoo.org
Primary subject(s) of interest: Herpetology, Conservation Biology, Cave Biology
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Via the Saint Louis Zoo(Missouri, Armenia, Ecuador) and externally (Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ukraine, Puerto Rico)
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Grassland, Freshwater, Caves and subterranean habitats, Deserts, Urban areas, Zoos

Kate Farley
Assistant Scientist, William L. Brown Center
- Email: kfarley@mobot.org
Primary subject(s) of interest: Ethnobotany, traditional ecological knowledge, community-based conservation, North American biodiversity, invasive species
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: United States (Appalachia, the Ozarks)
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Agricultural land

David Fike
Glassberg/Greensfelder Distinguished University Professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Science, WashU
Primary subject(s) of interest: Biogeochemical cycling in modern/ancient marine sediments and soils
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Global–currently: Australia, Canada, France, French Guiana, Estonia, Lithuania, Italy, New Zealand, Namibia, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Scotland, Sweden, US
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Freshwater, Marine, Soils

Gunter Fischer
Senior Vice President Science & Conservation,, Missouri Botanical Garden
Primary subject(s) of interest: Ecosystem functioning, Plant species in situ/ex situ conservation, Systematic and evolutionary botany, Urban greening
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Madagascar

Martha Fischer
General Curator and Director of WildCare Institute Center for Conservation in the Horn of Africa, Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Park
- Email: Fischer@stlzoo.org
Primary subject(s) of interest: All Horn if Africa wildlife including Grevy’s zebra, hirola, black rhino, mountain nyala, giraffe, African wild ass, and Ethiopian wolf; southeast Asian wildlife, such as banteng; local Missouri wildlife and urban biodiversity
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Horn of Africa, including Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somaliland
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Savanna, Grassland, Deserts, Urban areas
LEC Seed Grant Projects

Marc Fourrier
The Jane Goodall Institute, Great Ape Conservation Director
- Email: mfourrier@janegoodall.org
Primary subject of interest: Conservation biology, Tropical forest ecology, Seed dispersal ecology, Great ape conservation
Primary geographic interest: Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Republic of Congo, Liberia, Senegal, Mali, Guinea

Kasey Fowler-Finn
Associate Professor of Biology, Saint Louis University
Primary subject(s) of interest: Evolutionary ecology, behavioral ecology, vibrational communication, biotremology, climate change, evolution of complex traits, animal communication
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Saint Louis, Eastern North America
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Shrubland, Grassland, Agricultural land, Urban areas

Michael Frachetti
Professor of Archaeology, WashU
- Email: frachetti@wustl.edu
Primary subject(s) of interest: Anthropology, Archaeology, Asia, Human Ecology, Grassland ecology, Tropical jungles
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Asia-Pacific (Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal)
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Grassland, Deserts, Urban areas, Mountains

Ashley D. Franklin
Program Analyst, AZA Reproductive Management Center, Saint Louis Zoo
- Email: franklin@stlzoo.org
Primary subject(s) of interest: Reproductive biology and management, genetics, endocrinology, applied statistics, mammals (particularly felids and canids)
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Global; wild and captive populations
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Zoos and Aquariums

Gayle Fritz
Professor Emerita of Archaeology, WashU
- Email: gjfritz@wustl.edu
Primary subject(s) of interest: Agriculture, plant domestication, archaeobotany, ethnobotany, and conservation
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Mexico, United States (Mississippi River valley, St Louis Metro area, SE and Southwest US)
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Savanna, Grassland, Freshwater, Deserts, Agricultural land, Urban areas

Roy Gereau
Assistant Curator and Tanzania Program Director, Missouri Botanical Garden
Primary subject(s) of interest: Floristics, plant taxonomy, and plant conservation
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Tanzania
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Savanna, Shrubland, Grassland, Urban areas

Theresa Gildner
Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology, WashU
- Email: gildner@wustl.edu
Primary subject(s) of interest: Human biology, parasitology, host-pathogen coevolution, immune function
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Ecuador, United States
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Agricultural land, Urban areas, Rainforest

Ashley Glenn
Research Specialist, William L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden
Primary subject of interest: Ethnobotany, food anthropology, refugee and immigrant cuisine
Primary geographic interest: Bosnia, United States

Shirley Graham
Curator, Lythraceae, Missouri Botanical Garden
Primary subject of interest: Flowering plant systematics, Lythraceae
Primary geographic interest: Global

Jessica Griffard
Early Childhood and Elementary Instructor at Missouri Botanical Garden
- Email: jgriffard@mobot.org
Primary geographic area(s) of interest:: Ethnobotany, artifacts made from plants, education
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Global

Danelle Haake
RiverWatch Director and Stream Ecologist, National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
- Email: dhaake@lc.edu
Primary subject(s) of interest: Anthropogenic impacts on aquatic invertebrates; ecological impacts of pavement deicers; freshwater mussel population dynamics; community science; ecological epidemiology
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: United States
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Freshwater, Urban areas
LEC Seed Grant Projects

Robbie Hart
Director, William L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden
Primary subject(s) of interest: Climate change impacts on plant ecology and human environmental knowledge systems; ethnobotany; montane and alpine; Madagascar; community-based conservation; food plants
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Himalaya; Hengduan/Mountains of Southwest China; Pacific Northwest; Madagascar
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Shrubland, Grassland, Agricultural land
LEC Projects
LEC Seed Grant Projects
- Biological Inventory and Conservation of Arevik National Park and Zangezur Sanctuary, Armenia
- Protecting Biodiversity and Human Health through Wild Edible Plants of Alandraza-Agnalavelo Sacred Forest, Madagascar
- Socio-economic and Cultural Adaptation to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change: Analysis and Intervention Efficacy Study in Three Madagascar Subsistence Communities

Julie Hartell-DeNardo
Kevin Beckmann Curator of Carnivores and WildCare Center for Polar Bear Conservation Director, Saint Louis Zoo
- Email: hartell@stlzoo.org
Primary subject(s) of interest: Carnivore conservation, Carnidae, Felidae, Ursidae, Canidea, Pinnipedia
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Africa (Namibia, Somaliland, Tanzania, Kenya), Alaska
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Savanna, Shrubland, Grassland, Marine, Agricultural land

Heidi Hellmuth
Curator of Primates, Saint Louis Zoo
- Email: hellmuth@stlzoo.org
Primary subject(s) of interest: Primate conservation, animal welfare, animal behavior and behavior management (enrichment and training)
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Malaysia (orangutan), Republic of Congo (chimpanzee and gorilla); I am the program coordinator for our partnerships with HUTAN in Malaysian Borneo and with the Goualougo Triangle Ape Project in Republic of Congo
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Zoos
LEC Seed Grant Projects

Keith Hengen
Assistant Professor of Biology, WashU
- Email: khengen@wustl.edu
Primary subject of interest: Neuroscience
Primary geographic interest: United States

Erik Herzog
Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, Viktor Hamburger Distinguished Professor in Arts & Sciences, WashU
- Email: herzog@biology.wustl.edu
Primary subject(s) of interest: Circadian rhythms, light pollution, preterm birth, brain cancer
Primary geographic area(s) of interest: United States
Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Grassland, Deserts, Urban areas