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Glenda Abney

Glenda Abney

Vice President, Sustainability, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject(s) of interest: Community conservation, sustainable living

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: North America

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Urban Areas

Solny Adalsteinsson

Solny Adalsteinsson

Principal Investigator and Staff Scientist, Tyson Research Center, WashU

Primary subject of interest: Urban ecology, disease ecology, ticks, birds, small mammals

Primary geographic interest: Midwest and mid-Atlantic US

LEC Seed Grant Projects

Julián Aguirre-Santoro

Julián Aguirre-Santoro

Assistant Curator of Vascular Plants, Latin America Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject(s) of interest:  Plant systematics and floristics

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Colombia, Brazil, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Suriname, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Savanna, Shrubland, Grassland, Deserts

Matthew A. Albrecht

Matthew A. Albrecht

Scientist, Director of Center for Conservation & Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject(s) of interest: Plant conservation, threatened plants and communities

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: North America (Ozarks and Southeastern US)

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Savanna, Grassland

LEC Seed Grant Projects

Robert Aldridge

Robert Aldridge

Professor Emeritus of Biology, Saint Louis University; Researcher, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: Herpetology, conservation

Primary geographic area of interest: Guam, Mexico

Whitney Anthonysamy

Whitney Anthonysamy

Associate Professor of Biology, University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy

Primary subject(s) of interest:  Urban ecology, population ecology, conservation biology, herpetology

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: United States (Saint Louis, Missouri)

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Freshwater, Urban areas

Kathleen Apakupakul

Kathleen Apakupakul

Research Associate, Institute for Conservation Medicine, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject(s) of interest: Conservation medicine, one health

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Global (Africa, North America, South America)

LEC Seed Grant Projects

Wendy Applequist

Wendy Applequist

Associate Scientist, William L. Brown Center, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Plant taxonomy, medicinal plants, natural product discovery

Primary geographic interest: United States, Madagascar

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest ,Savanna, Shrubland

Cheryl Asa

Cheryl Asa

Affiliate Scientist, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject of interest: Reproductive and behavioral sciences

Primary geographic area of interest: Latin America,  Mexico

John J. Atwood

John J. Atwood

Assistant Curator of Bryophytes, Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Bryology

Primary geographic area of interest: North America

Matthew Austin

Matthew Austin

Curator of Biodiversity Data, Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject(s) of interest: Herbaria, global change biology, hyperspectral botany, phenology, ecology

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Grassland, Urban Areas, Botanic Gardens and Herbaria

Eli Baskir

Eli Baskir

Manager of Behavioral Sciences, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject(s) of interest:  Animal behavior

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Global

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Zoos

Burgund Bassuner

Burgund Bassuner

Science Specialist, Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Population genetics and plant conservation

Primary geographic area of interest: United States

Karen Bauman

Karen Bauman

Manager of Reproductive Sciences, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject(s) of interest: All species, especially canids and ungulates; reproduction, wildlife technologies

Primary geographic area(s) of interest:  Ex situ, North America, global

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Zoos

Yehuda Ben-Shahar

Yehuda Ben-Shahar

Professor, Biology Department, WashU

Primary subject(s) of interest:  Evolutionary, molecular, and genetic analyses of animal behavior and sociality; The genetics of organismal resilience to environmental stress; Drosophila models of neuronal and psychiatric disorders

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Global

John  R. Bermingham Jr.

John R. Bermingham Jr.

Associate Professor of Genetics, WashU School of Medicine

Primary subject(s) of interest: Conservation genetics, herpetology

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Global


Peter Bernhardt

Peter Bernhardt

Research Associate of Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject(s) of interest: Pollination; Anthophilous insects (bees, beetles, syrphid flies, butterflies and moths); flowering plant groups (orchids and other petaloid monocots), montane wildflowers of the Himalayas; Proteaceae of Australia; plant systematics and phytogeography of the floras of southern Australia; redbuds and dogwoods of Missouri; pollination in urban versus rural flora native to North America; popular illustrations and depictions of flora and their pollinators from the 19th-21st century; the history of the writings of Charles Darwin and his contemporaries on floral adaptation/evolution; bee diversity on rural versus urban trees of redbud (Cercis canadensis) and dogwood (Cornus florida) in St. Louis and its counties

Primary geographic area(s) of interest:  United States (Saint Louis, Missouri, Kansas), Australia (New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia), China (Kunming, Lijiang and Yulong (Yunnan))

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Savana, Shrubland, Grassland, Montane>3000m

Chris Birkinshaw

Chris Birkinshaw

Assistant Curator, Africa and Madagascar, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Management of protected areas (including sustainable use of natural resources, forest restoration, monitoring, control of invasive plant species) and ex-situ plant conservation (including field gene-banks)

Primary geographic interest: Madagascar

Jared Bixby

Jared Bixby

Fred Saigh Director of Conservation Education, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject(s) of interest: Community Engagement, Conservation Education

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: United States

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Urban areas

Stephen Blake

Stephen Blake

Assistant Professor, Biology Department, Saint Louis University

Primary subject(s) of interest: Ecology and conservation of mega vertebrates

Primary geographic area(s) of interest:  Congo Basin, Galapagos Islands, Central Africa, Saint Louis, MO

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Grassland, Agricultural land, Urban areas

LEC Seed Grant Projects

David Bogler

David Bogler

Research Associate, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject(s) of interest: Plant systematics, floristics, molecular systematics, anatomy, microscopy, ecology, sustainability, palynology, teaching

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: USA, Mexico

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest:  Forest, Savanna, Shrubland, Grassland, Deserts, Agricultural land, Urban areas

Adrianus (Jacco) Boon

Adrianus (Jacco) Boon

Professor, WashU School of Medicine

Primary subject(s) of interest: Virology and virus ecology

Primary geographic area(s) of interest:  USA

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest

LEC Seed Grant Projects

Arpita Bose

Arpita Bose

Associate Professor of Biology, WashU

Primary subject of interest:  Microbial Ecology, Climate Change, Climate Action

Primary geographic interest:  United States, Puerto Rico, Argentina, India

Emily Bowling

Emily Bowling

Conservation Education Liaison, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject(s) of interest:  Palm oil sustainability, public education, local conservation

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Tropical rainforests, Forests, Agricultural land, Urban areas

Louise Bradshaw

Louise Bradshaw

Retired Director of Education, Saint Louis Zoo

Primary subject(s) of interest:  Climate change education, enhancing biodiversity, community-based conservation engagement, nature-based education, urban biodiversity

Primary geographic area(s) of interest:  Saint Louis region (Missouri)

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Urban biodiversity

John Brinda

John Brinda

Assistant Scientist, Herbarium, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject of interest: Ecology, taxonomy, and conservation of bryophytes

Primary geographic area of interest: USA, Madagascar, Philippines

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest, Savanna, Shrubland, Grassland, Deserts

Andrew Brown

Andrew Brown

Professor of Spanish, WashU

Primary subject(s) of interest:  Science and Literature in Latin America, Ecocriticism

Primary geographic area(s) of interest:  Argentina, Chile, Uruguay

Mónica Carlsen

Mónica Carlsen

Scientist 2 – Education Program Manager, Missouri Botanical Garden

Primary subject(s) of interest: Plant diversity and evolution, systematics, phylogenomics, pollination biology

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Neotropics (emphasis on Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia and Brazil)

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Forest

LEC Seed Grant Projects

Bruce Carlson

Bruce Carlson

Professor of Biology, WashU

Primary subject(s) of interest: Sensory and evolutionary neuroscience in electric fish

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: Sub-Saharan Africa

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Freshwater

Theresa Coble

Theresa Coble

E. Desmond Lee Endowed Professor for Experiential and Family Education, University of Missouri- Saint Louis

Primary subject(s) of interest: Education and Interpretation; Interpreting Complex and Controversial Topics; Professional Development for Heritage Practitioners

Primary geographic area(s) of interest: United States

Habitats and Ecosystems of interest: Urban Areas, Parks and public lands – i.e., habitat independent