A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigating Ecuadorian Species and Habitats

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigating Ecuadorian Species and Habitats

Lauren Augustine, Saint Louis Zoo
Mark Wanner, Saint Louis Zoo
Luis Coloma, Centro Jambatu
Carmen Ulloa, Missouri Botanical Garden
Nora Oleas, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica

A Synthesis of Patterns and Mechanisms of Diversity and Forest Change in the Andes: A Global Biodiversity Hotspot

A Synthesis of Patterns and Mechanisms of Diversity and Forest Change in the Andes: A Global Biodiversity Hotspot

J. Sebastian Tello, Missouri Botanical Garden
Jonathan Myers, WashU (Biology)
Selene Baez, Escuela Politécnica Nacional del Ecuador

Biological Inventory and Conservation of Arevik National Park and Zangezur Sanctuary, Armenia

Biological Inventory and Conservation of Arevik National Park and Zangezur Sanctuary, Armenia

Robbie Hart, Missouri Botanical Garden
Jim Miller, Missouri Botanical Garden
Mark Wanner, Saint Louis Zoo

Data-driven Conservation of the Critically Endangered Diademed Sifaka (Propithecus diadema) and the Black and White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) Living in Fragmented Habitats

Data-driven Conservation of the Critically Endangered Diademed Sifaka (Propithecus diadema) and the Black and White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) Living in Fragmented Habitats

Emily Wroblewski, WashU (Anthropology)
Krista Milich, WashU (Anthropology)
Giovanna Bonadonna, WashU (Anthropology)
Patricia Becerra Mendoza, WashU (Anthropology)

Armand Randrianasolo, Missouri Botanical Garden
Robbie Hart, Missouri Botanical Garden
Fortunat Rakotoarivony, Missouri Botanical Garden

Karen Freeman, Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group
Ingrid Porton, Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group
Fidisoa Rasambainarivo, Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group

Lisa Kelley, Saint Louis Zoo

Laura Mahatoly, University of Antananarivo
Rina Vololonirina, University of Antananarivo
Ortega Bavary, University of Antananarivo
Onja Ramilijaona, University of Antananarivo
Brigitte Raharivololona, University of Antananarivo
Jean Freddy Ranaivoarisoa, University of Antananarivo

Malaria Infection in a Shifting Disease Landscape: Genomic Signals of Susceptibility or Resistance in Apes

Malaria Infection in a Shifting Disease Landscape: Genomic Signals of Susceptibility or Resistance in Apes

Emily Wroblewski, WashU (Anthropology)
Crickette Sanz, WashU (Anthropology)

Protecting Biodiversity and Human Health through Wild Edible Plants of Alandraza-Agnalavelo Sacred Forest, Madagascar

Protecting Biodiversity and Human Health through Wild Edible Plants of Alandraza-Agnalavelo Sacred Forest, Madagascar

Tabita Randrianarivony, Missouri Botanical Garden
Lora Iannotti, WashU (Brown School of Social Work)
Armand Randrianasolo, Missouri Botanical Garden
Robbie Hart, Missouri Botanical Garden

Socio-economic and Cultural Adaptation to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change: Analysis and Intervention Efficacy Study in Three Madagascar Subsistence Communities

Socio-economic and Cultural Adaptation to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change: Analysis and Intervention Efficacy Study in Three Madagascar Subsistence Communities

Armand Randrianasolo, Missouri Botanical Garden
Nivo H. Rakotoarivelo, Missouri Botanical Garden
Fortunat Rakotoarivony, Missouri Botanical Garden
Judi McLean Parks, WashU (Olin Business School)
Robbie Hart, Missouri Botanical Garden

Testing the Role that Biotic Interactions Play in Shaping Elevational-Diversity Gradients:  An Ecological Metabolomics Approach

Testing the Role that Biotic Interactions Play in Shaping Elevational-Diversity Gradients:  An Ecological Metabolomics Approach

Jonathan Myers, WashU (Biology)
J. Sebastian Tello, Missouri Botanical Garden
Nathan Muchhala, University of Missouri – St. Louis
Brian E. Sedio, University of Texas - Austin
David Henderson, WashU (PhD student)
Belen Alvestegui, University of Missouri – St. Louis (MS student)

The Search for Critically Endangered or Possibly Extinct Ecuadorean Frogs using eDNA

The Search for Critically Endangered or Possibly Extinct Ecuadorean Frogs using eDNA

Christine Edwards, Missouri Botanical Garden
Mark Wanner, St. Louis Zoo
Lauren Augustine, St. Louis Zoo
Luis Coloma, Centro Jambatu

Using iDNA to Increase the Protected Status of the Djeke Triangle and Enhance Disease Surveillance in the Congo Basis

Using iDNA to Increase the Protected Status of the Djeke Triangle and Enhance Disease Surveillance in the Congo Basis

Crickette Sanz, WashU (Anthropology)
Sharon Deem, Saint Louis Zoo
Peter Fischer, WashU (School of Medicine)
Maris Brenn-White, Saint Louis Zoo
Heidi Hellmuth, Saint Louis Zoo
Fabian Leendertz, Robert Koch Institute
Livia Patrano, Robert Koch Institute
Wen Mayoukou, Wildlife Conservation Society
David Morgan, Lincoln Park Zoo