A framework for untangling the consequences of artificial light at night on species interactions
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A global examination of ecological niche modeling to predict emerging infectious diseases: a systematic review
Lawrence T.J., Takenaka B.P., Garg A., Tao D., Deem S.L., Fèvre E.M., Gluecks I., Sagan V., Shacham E. (2023). A global examination of ecological niche modeling to predict emerging infectious diseases: a systematic review. Frontiers in Public Health, 11. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1244084
Better red than dead: Plasticine moths are attacked less under HPS streetlights than LEDs
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Beyond the usual climate? Factors determining flowering and fruiting phenology across a genus over 117 years
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Evolutionary divergence of developmental plasticity and learning of mating strategies in Trinidadian guppies
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Fluctuating selection maintains distinct species phenotypes in an ecological community in the wild
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Historical assembly of Andean tree communities
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Linking seed size and number to trait syndromes in trees
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Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients
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More than 10,000 pre-Columbian earthworks are still hidden throughout Amazonia
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Ornamentation diversified faster than eco-morphology across Nearctic dragonflies
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Prevalence of Bourbon and Heartland viruses in field collected ticks at an environmental field station in St. Louis County, Missouri, USA
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Resource availability affects seasonal trajectories of population-level learning
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Shifting climate zones and expanding tropical and arid climate regions across Kenya (1980–2020)
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Wild origins and mitochondrial genetic diversity of Angolan Colobus monkeys (Colobus angolensis) in AZA-accredited zoos and its implications for ex situ population management
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