
A Carbon Garden: A Saint Louis-Based Model for Urban Bioenergetics Carbon Capture and Storage
Rod Barnett, WashU (Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts)
Jacqueline Margetts, WashU (Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts)
Doug Ladd, WashU (Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts)
James Aronson, Missouri Botanical Garden

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigating Ecuadorian Species and Habitats
Lauren Augustine, Saint Louis Zoo
Mark Wanner, Saint Louis Zoo
Luis Coloma, Centro Jambatu
Carmen Ulloa, Missouri Botanical Garden
Nora Oleas, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica

A Synthesis of Patterns and Mechanisms of Diversity and Forest Change in the Andes: A Global Biodiversity Hotspot
J. Sebastian Tello, Missouri Botanical Garden
Jonathan Myers, WashU (Biology)
Selene Baez, Escuela Politécnica Nacional del Ecuador

Below-Ground Perspectives on Biodiversity: Root systems, Comparative Genomics, and Domestication of North American Grapevines
Allison Miller, Saint Louis University
Ken Olsen, WashU (Biology)
Alex Harkess, Danforth Plant Science Center
Laura Klein, Saint Louis University

Bias in Community Science Data
Elizabeth Carlen, WashU (LEC)
Jonathan Losos, WashU (Biology)
Daniel Cher, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Phoenix Jarosz, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Nathan Jacobs, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Jonathan Lin, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Srikumar Sastry, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)

Biodiversity of Freshwater Mussels of the Upper Sangamon River (Illinois): Community Science in Action
Danelle Haake, National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
Sarah Douglass, Illinois Natural History Survey
Christy Edwards, Missouri Botanical Garden
Bob Coulter, Missouri Botanical Garden
Ed Spevak, Saint Louis Zoo
Bruce Colravy, Upper Sangamon River Conservancy

Biological Inventory and Conservation of Arevik National Park and Zangezur Sanctuary, Armenia
Robbie Hart, Missouri Botanical Garden
Jim Miller, Missouri Botanical Garden
Mark Wanner, Saint Louis Zoo

Canid Conservation Initiative
Fernando Nájera, WashU (LEC Post-doc)
Solny Adalsteinsson, WashU (Tyson Research Center)
Karen Bauman, Saint Louis Zoo
Sharon Deem, Saint Louis Zoo
Karen DeMatteo, WashU (Environmental Studies)
Regina Mossotti, Endangered Wolf Center
Lisa Kelley, Saint Louis Zoo
Jamie Palmer, Saint Louis Zoo

Collaborating with Community Scientists to Improve Conservation: A Case Study with Bee Visitation Networks
Nicole Miller-Struttmann, Webster University
Eric Goedereis, Webster University
Erin Tate, Saint Louis Zoo
Gerardo Camilo, Saint Louis University
Ed Spevak, Saint Louis Zoo
Mike Dawson, Saint Louis Zoo
Bob Coulter, Missouri Botanical Garden

Conserving Rare Plant Species through Ecological Restoration in Missouri Woodlands
J. Leighton Reid, Missouri Botanical Garden
Scott Mangan, WashU (Biology)
Claudia Stein, WashU (Tyson Research Center)
Mathew Albrecht, Missouri Botanical Garden
Quinn Long, Shaw Nature Reserve

Data-driven Conservation of the Critically Endangered Diademed Sifaka (Propithecus diadema) and the Black and White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) Living in Fragmented Habitats
Emily Wroblewski, WashU (Anthropology)
Krista Milich, WashU (Anthropology)
Giovanna Bonadonna, WashU (Anthropology)
Patricia Becerra Mendoza, WashU (Anthropology)
Armand Randrianasolo, Missouri Botanical Garden
Robbie Hart, Missouri Botanical Garden
Fortunat Rakotoarivony, Missouri Botanical Garden
Karen Freeman, Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group
Ingrid Porton, Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group
Fidisoa Rasambainarivo, Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group
Lisa Kelley, Saint Louis Zoo
Laura Mahatoly, University of Antananarivo
Rina Vololonirina, University of Antananarivo
Ortega Bavary, University of Antananarivo
Onja Ramilijaona, University of Antananarivo
Brigitte Raharivololona, University of Antananarivo
Jean Freddy Ranaivoarisoa, University of Antananarivo

Describing reproductive behavior and hormone patterns in Asian box turtles (Cuora galbinifrons complex) in an assurance population at the St. Louis Zoo.
Helen Clawitter, Saint Louis Zoo
Corinne Kozlowski, Saint Louis Zoo
Patricia Parker, University of Missouri – Saint Louis (Biology) and Saint Louis Zoo
Lauren Augustine, Saint Louis Zoo

Developing the Bluntnose Minnow (Pimephales notatus) as a Model for Studying Genomic Responses of Freshwater Species to Urban Environments
Jason Knouft, Saint Louis University
Wesley Warren, WashU (McDonnell Genome Institute, School of Medicine)

Ecological Niche Modeling to Examine the Interactions Between Climate-related Environmental Change, Food Security, Landscape Diversity and an Emerging Infectious Disease
Ted Lawrence, Saint Louis University (Taylor Geospatial Institute)
Enbal Shacham, Saint Louis University (College for Public Health and Social Justice and Taylor Geospatial Institute)
Sharon Deem, Saint Louis Zoo
Allison Miller, Saint Louis University, Danforth Plant Science Center
Carolyn Lesorogol, WashU (Brown School of Social Work)
Eric Fèvre, University of Liverpool
Vasit Sagan, Saint Louis University

Ecology and Evolution of Urban Squirrels in St. Louis
Elizabeth Carlen, WashU (Living Earth Collaborative)
Jonathan Losos, WashU (Biology)
Jonathan Chang, University of California Los Angeles
Lindsay Miles, Virginia Tech

Evaluating Planned Grazing as an Approach to Improving Rangeland Habitat for Grevy’s Zebra and Pastoralists in Kenya
Martha Fischer, Saint Louis Zoo
Belinda Low Mackey, Grevy’s Zebra Trust
Peter Lalampaa, Grevy’s Zebra Trust
Sheila Funnell, Grevy’s Zebra Trust
Carolyn Lesorogol, WashU (Brown School of Social Work)

Expanding the Toolset for Chelonian Conservation: Understanding the Diversity, Distribution and Dynamics of Box Turtle Microbiomes
Fangqiong Ling, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Maris Brenn-White, Saint Louis Zoo
Kathleen Apakupakul, Saint Louis Zoo
Sharon L. Deem, Saint Louis Zoo

Floral Scent Differentiation as a Mechanism for Pollinator Partitioning in the Genus Anthurium (Araceae)
Monica M. Carlsen, Missouri Botanical Garden
Nathan Muchhala, University of Missouri – Saint Louis (Biology)
Gerardo Camilo, Saint Louis University (Biology)
Edward Spevak, Saint Louis Zoo

Forest Park: Exploring the Biodiversity and Natural History of One of the World’s Great Parks
Joseph Steensma, WashU (Brown School of Social Work)
David Webb, WashU (Environmental Studies)
Carolyn Cosgrove Payne, WashU (Environmental Studies)
Anthony Dell, National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
Amy Witt, Forest Park Forever

Genetic Diversity of Peter’s Angola Colobus Monkey Populations in Northern Tanzania and in Accredited American Zoos
Monica McDonald, Saint Louis Zoo
Emily Wroblewski, WashU (Anthropology)
Pamela M. K. Cunneyworth, Colobus Conservation

Genomic Investigation of Gut Microbiome Associations in Freshwater Fish Assemblages
Fangqiong Ling, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Jason Knouft, Saint Louis University

Going Wild in Forest Park:The Movement of Wildlife and Disease in an Urban Food Web
Anthony Dell, National Great Rivers Research and Education Center, WashU
Stephen Blake, Saint Louis University
Stan Braude, WashU, University of Missouri – Saint Louis
Sharon Deem, Saint Louis Zoo
Amy Witt, Forest Park Forever
Jason Knouft, Saint Louis University, National Great Rivers Research and Education Center

Integrating Stable Isotopes and DNA Metabarcoding of Cave Guano to Develop a Unique Paleoenvironmental Archive for the Humid Tropics
Xinyi Liu, WashU (Anthropology)
Christy Edwards, Missouri Botanical Garden
Rachel Reid, WashU (Anthropology)
J. Leighton Reid, Missouri Botanical Garden
Bronwen Konecky, WashU (Earth and Planetary Sciences)

Land Management Effects on Microbiome Diversity in Disease Vectors
Solny Adalsteinsson, WashU (Tyson Research Center)
Adrianus Boon, WashU School of Medicine
David Wang, WashU School of Medicine
Kim Medley, WashU (Tyson Research Center)
Jonathan Myers, WashU (Biology)

Malaria Infection in a Shifting Disease Landscape: Genomic Signals of Susceptibility or Resistance in Apes
Emily Wroblewski, WashU (Anthropology)
Crickette Sanz, WashU (Anthropology)

Microrefugia Against Climate Change
Kimberly Medley, WashU (Tyson Research Center)
Adam B. Smith, Missouri Botanical Garden
Stephen Murphy, Missouri Botanical Garden
Jonathan Myers, WashU (Biology)

Migration, Urbanization, and the Microbiomes of the Galapagos Giant Tortoises
Fangqiong Ling, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Jonathan Losos, WashU (Biology)

Origin and Diversification of the Flowering Plants of the Gulf of Guinea Archipelago
Patricia Barberá, Missouri Botanical Garden
Joan Garcia-Porta, WashU (Biology)
Nathan Muchhala, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Tariq Stévart, Missouri Botanical Garden
Michael Landis, WashU (Biology)

Páramo Biodiversity Farms: A Collaborative Conservation Project (Colombia)
Iván Jiménez, Missouri Botanical Garden
Derek Hoeferlin, WashU (Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts)

Population Genomics to Test Diversification Processes in the Andean Radiation of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae)
Brock Mashburn, WashU (Biology)

Protecting Biodiversity and Human Health through Wild Edible Plants of Alandraza-Agnalavelo Sacred Forest, Madagascar
Tabita Randrianarivony, Missouri Botanical Garden
Lora Iannotti, WashU (Brown School of Social Work)
Armand Randrianasolo, Missouri Botanical Garden
Robbie Hart, Missouri Botanical Garden

Quantifying Effects of Parasites on Ecosystem Nutrient Cycling
Amanda Koltz, WashU (Biology)
Sharon L. Deem, Saint Louis Zoo
Vanessa O. Ezenwa, University of Georgia
Rachel Penczykowski, WashU (Biology)

Reducing Human-Wildlife Conflict in East Africa Using Participatory Action Research
Krista Milich, WashU (Anthropology)
Carolyn K. Lesorogol, WashU(Brown School of Social Work)
Sharon Deem, Saint Louis Zoo

SMART Forests: Linking Emerging Technologies for Biodiversity Research in Changing Environments
Crickette Sanz, WashU (Anthropology)

Socio-economic and Cultural Adaptation to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change: Analysis and Intervention Efficacy Study in Three Madagascar Subsistence Communities
Armand Randrianasolo, Missouri Botanical Garden
Nivo H. Rakotoarivelo, Missouri Botanical Garden
Fortunat Rakotoarivony, Missouri Botanical Garden
Judi McLean Parks, WashU (Olin Business School)
Robbie Hart, Missouri Botanical Garden

Testing the Role that Biotic Interactions Play in Shaping Elevational-Diversity Gradients: An Ecological Metabolomics Approach
Jonathan Myers, WashU (Biology)
J. Sebastian Tello, Missouri Botanical Garden
Nathan Muchhala, University of Missouri – St. Louis
Brian E. Sedio, University of Texas - Austin
David Henderson, WashU (PhD student)
Belen Alvestegui, University of Missouri – St. Louis (MS student)

The Search for Critically Endangered or Possibly Extinct Ecuadorean Frogs using eDNA
Christine Edwards, Missouri Botanical Garden
Mark Wanner, St. Louis Zoo
Lauren Augustine, St. Louis Zoo
Luis Coloma, Centro Jambatu

Using iDNA to Increase the Protected Status of the Djeke Triangle and Enhance Disease Surveillance in the Congo Basis
Crickette Sanz, WashU (Anthropology)
Sharon Deem, Saint Louis Zoo
Peter Fischer, WashU (School of Medicine)
Maris Brenn-White, Saint Louis Zoo
Heidi Hellmuth, Saint Louis Zoo
Fabian Leendertz, Robert Koch Institute
Livia Patrano, Robert Koch Institute
Wen Mayoukou, Wildlife Conservation Society
David Morgan, Lincoln Park Zoo