Bias in Community Science Data

Bias in Community Science Data

Elizabeth Carlen, WashU (LEC)
Jonathan Losos, WashU (Biology)
Daniel Cher, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Phoenix Jarosz, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Nathan Jacobs, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Jonathan Lin, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)
Srikumar Sastry, WashU (McKelvey School of Engineering)

Biodiversity of Freshwater Mussels of the Upper Sangamon River (Illinois): Community Science in Action

Biodiversity of Freshwater Mussels of the Upper Sangamon River (Illinois): Community Science in Action

Danelle Haake, National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
Sarah Douglass, Illinois Natural History Survey
Christy Edwards, Missouri Botanical Garden
Bob Coulter, Missouri Botanical Garden
Ed Spevak, Saint Louis Zoo
Bruce Colravy, Upper Sangamon River Conservancy

Collaborating with Community Scientists to Improve Conservation: A Case Study with Bee Visitation Networks

Collaborating with Community Scientists to Improve Conservation: A Case Study with Bee Visitation Networks

Nicole Miller-Struttmann, Webster University
Eric Goedereis, Webster University
Erin Tate, Saint Louis Zoo
Gerardo Camilo, Saint Louis University
Ed Spevak, Saint Louis Zoo
Mike Dawson, Saint Louis Zoo
Bob Coulter, Missouri Botanical Garden

Forest Park: Exploring the Biodiversity and Natural History of One of the World’s Great Parks

Forest Park: Exploring the Biodiversity and Natural History of One of the World’s Great Parks

Joseph Steensma, WashU (Brown School of Social Work)
David Webb, WashU (Environmental Studies)
Carolyn Cosgrove Payne, WashU (Environmental Studies)
Anthony Dell, National Great Rivers Research and Education Center
Amy Witt, Forest Park Forever

Páramo Biodiversity Farms: A Collaborative Conservation Project (Colombia)

Páramo Biodiversity Farms: A Collaborative Conservation Project (Colombia)

Iván Jiménez, Missouri Botanical Garden
Derek Hoeferlin, WashU (Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts)

Reducing Human-Wildlife Conflict in East Africa Using Participatory Action Research

Reducing Human-Wildlife Conflict in East Africa Using Participatory Action Research

Krista Milich, WashU (Anthropology)
Carolyn K. Lesorogol, WashU(Brown School of Social Work)
Sharon Deem, Saint Louis Zoo

Socio-economic and Cultural Adaptation to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change: Analysis and Intervention Efficacy Study in Three Madagascar Subsistence Communities

Socio-economic and Cultural Adaptation to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change: Analysis and Intervention Efficacy Study in Three Madagascar Subsistence Communities

Armand Randrianasolo, Missouri Botanical Garden
Nivo H. Rakotoarivelo, Missouri Botanical Garden
Fortunat Rakotoarivony, Missouri Botanical Garden
Judi McLean Parks, WashU (Olin Business School)
Robbie Hart, Missouri Botanical Garden