Data-driven Conservation of the Critically Endangered Diademed Sifaka (Propithecus diadema) and the Black and White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) Living in Fragmented Habitats

WashU (Anthropology), the Missouri Botanical Garden, and the Saint Louis Zoo were brought together via the Living Earth Collaborative to protect two lemur species in Madagascar: the diademed sifaka (Propithecus diadema) and the black and white ruffed lemur (Varecia variegata), which have highly overlapping ranges in eastern Madagascar. Both species are Critically Endangered, the status closest to extinction in the wild.
All three institutions have a long history of working to conserve Madagascar’s unique floral and faunal biodiversity. Together, in late 2021, they initiated a long-term study of these species in two forest habitats: Betampona Strict Nature Reserve, managed by the Madagascar Fauna & Flora Group with support from the St. Louis Zoo, and Vohibe Forest, a larger but less strictly protected forest (a Category VI protected area) that is managed by the Missouri Botanical Garden. Betampona is a small island patch of lowland rainforest that was once connected to the larger Zahamena forest corridor but became isolated via deforestation. In contrast, Vohibe is a low-to-medium altitude rainforest that remains better-connected with the much larger Ankeniheny-Zahamena forest corridor. Both sites are lemur-rich communities, with Betampona home to 11 species and Vohibe home to an estimated 10-11 species. However, at the start of the study, the two lemur species were struggling with small, declining populations in Betampona, and there had been no comprehensive study of Vohibe’s lemur populations.
Therefore, they have been studying the behavioral ecology, genetic diversity, and patterns of health and disease among these two species at both sites. Vohibe offers an important comparative site to that of Betampona, contributing data to use to design conservation strategies and targets at Betampona. Work at Vohibe also provides opportunities to manage and conserve lemurs before they become further threatened and in need of rescue. Data from both sites will contribute to broader, meta-population management plans for lemur conservation.
Bonadonna, G., Ramilijaona, O.M., Raharivololona, B.M., Andrianarimisa, A., Razafindraibe, H., Freeman, K., Rasambainarivo, F., Wroblewski, E.E., Milich, K.M. (2024). Response of diademed sifaka ( Propithecus diadema ) to fosa ( Cryptoprocta ferox ) predation in the Betampona Strict Nature Reserve, Madagascar. Ecology and Evolution. 14. 10.1002/ece3.11248.
Research Team
- Co-Directors of the lemur study: Drs. Emily Wroblewski, Krista Milich
- Postdoctoral scientists: Drs. Giovanna Bonadonna, Patricia Becerra Mendoza
Missouri Botanical Garden
- Dr. Armand Randrianasolo
- Dr. Robbie Hart
- Fortunat Rakotoarivony
Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group
- Dr. Karen Freeman
- Ingrid Porton
- Dr. Fidy Rasambainarivo
St. Louis Zoo
University of Antananarivo
- Ph.D. students: Laura Mahatoly, Rina Vololonirina, Ortega Bavary, Onja Ramilijaona
- Faculty collaborators: Dr. Brigitte Raharivololona, Dr. Jean Freddy Ranaivoarisoa