Describing reproductive behavior and hormone patterns in Asian box turtles (Cuora galbinifrons complex) in an assurance population at the St. Louis Zoo.
Globally, turtle species are threatened with extinction. With habitat destruction and overharvesting of turtles being the primary threat in the wild, researchers and animal conservation groups have brought many turtle species into captivity to mitigate the loss of individuals. Breeding the members of captive populations creates an assurance group; however, little is known about the reproductive physiology of many turtle species. This study will measure reproductive hormones in fecal samples to determine the normal hormone patterns for this species, as well as isolate sperm cells trapped within the perivitelline membrane surrounding the egg yolk. With the results of this project, we will have a better understanding of the Asian forest tortoise’s reproductive physiology and will be able to identify reproductively capable turtles suitable for pairing for breeding purposes.
Helen Clawitter, Saint Louis Zoo
Corinne Kozlowski, Saint Louis Zoo
Patricia Parker, University of Missouri – Saint Louis (Biology) and Saint Louis Zoo
Lauren Augustine, Saint Louis Zoo