Kaylee Arnold joins Tyson team as LEC postdoc (Links to an external site)

From exploring the beach and San Diego Zoo as a kid to studying kissing bugs in Panama as a PhD candidate, Kaylee Arnold’s path in biology has been a long and winding one. Most recently, it has brought her to St. Louis, where she is joining Washington University’s Living Earth Collaborative as a postdoctoral research associate.

In search of refuge (Links to an external site)

Two building and cars sit next to a forest in fall

With funding support from LEC, researchers look at whether Ozark oases at Tyson Research Center — climate change refugia — could help species persist in spite of rising temperatures.

Caught on camera (Links to an external site)

A satellite map of the greater St Louis region with a pink polygon outlining the Henry Shaw Ozark Cooridor

Wildlife of greater St. Louis area comes into focus in new biodiversity project. The St. Louis Wildlife Project is a collaboration between St. Louis College of Pharmacy and the Tyson Research Center at Washington University in St. Louis. The project aims to quantify biodiversity and improve the understanding of wildlife ecology in the greater St. Louis area.